I am From…

I am from the colorful rooms,from the dog toys,from the bath scents.

I am from the two story house, with the old furniture.

I am from the palm trees in the front yard.

The flowers petals that have fallen off in the cold weather.

I am from the long line of over achievers and happiness.

From Valerie and John.

I am from the active and organized lifestyle, and from the telling of our best thing and our worst thing of our day.

I am from the lullabies that made me go to sleep and from the hopes and dreams, and from the never give up saying.

I am from the big family reunions.

I am from Austin,Texas and from the Germans, British,and Czechoslovakia,and the kolaches during Easter.
From the endless smiles from my mom when she sees all of us. From the recurring memories that I have every day.

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